Private Domain Data

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Note: to sign up for multiple services as part of one billing account, enter each one separately. You will receive a temporary billing ID after entering the first one; simply enter this ID in the box in step 3 for each of the other services.

If you already have an PrivateDomainData account, please enter your account ID (which is on your bill) and your username and/or domain name, in the comments box in Step 4. Note that to add, delete, or modify email aliases on existing accounts, you should contact us via the web form, rather than using this page.

Step 1: Reserve Usernames

(for domain registration, skip to step 2)

First, reserve the username(s) you want:
Reserve names

You can also check the availability of names without reserving them:
Check names

Names stay reserved for two weeks.

Note that these are PrivateDomainData usernames; if you are signing up for web hosting, you can specify any names you want for mail aliases in your domain, but you must reserve usernames for your actual accounts.

Step 2: Services

Next, select the type of service you're signing up for:

Email Account ($5)
Shell Account ($10)
Basic Web Hosting ($15)
Basic Web Hosting Plus Email ($25)
Advanced Web Hosting ($35)
Advanced Web Hosting Plus Email (5 email accounts) ($45)
Advanced Web Hosting Plus Email (10 email accounts) ($55)
Domain Registration ($20 for .com, .net, or .org)

If you're signing up for web hosting and you want a dedicated IP address ($5), check this box:

Step 3: Details

Tell us how you want your accounts set up:

Temporary billing ID
(leave this blank unless you are signing up for multiple services as part of a single billing account; see the top of the page for more information)

The email address to which you want your bill sent
(note that this MUST be a valid address; we suggest you use your PrivateDomainData address if you are signing up for email, shell, or web hosting services)

The PrivateDomainData username(s) you reserved

Any mail aliases you want for your PrivateDomainData name(s)
(if you have more than one PrivateDomainData username, enter them in the form:
name1=alias1,alias2; name2=alias3, etc.)

The initial password(s) for your account(s)
(in the form name1=password1; name2=password2, etc.)
(Remember to change all of your passwords as soon as the accounts are set up!)

A question you'd like us to use to confirm your identity should you forget your password(s) - make this something hard to guess!
(enter the question in the first box, and the answer in the second)
(note that without this, we cannot reset your password unless you have given us contact information to rely on, below)

Your domain name, if you're signing up for webhosting or domain registration

The mail aliases you want at your domain
(in the form alias1=user1@host1,user2@host2; alias2=user3@host3, etc.;
specify the wildcard alias with '*' in place of the alias name)

Step 4: Optional Information

Finally, a few optional questions:

We ordinarily post a message in the Account Announcements section of the news page when we have received your payment and account setup is complete. If you would prefer another form of notification, please select from this list (note that the 'contact me' option requires that you give us a phone number or email address in the box below; other forms of contact information will not be used for this purpose)

Any contact information (name, address, phone number, etc.) you want us to have

How you heard about us

Any additional comments or requests