Private Domain Data

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    PrivateDomainData Policies

- Privacy Policy
- Terms of Use
- Acceptable Usage Policy
- Copyright Policy
- General Policy Note

If you have any questions about any of these policies, please do not hesitate to email us.

Privacy Policy

  • PrivateDomainData will not disclose or distribute any information about our customers or their actions, logins, etc. to ANYONE without the express written consent of the affected user(s), except pursuant to a legal proceeding. In the event that we need to reveal information, we will make every reasonable effort to notify the affected user(s) by email beforehand.

  • PrivateDomainData staff members will not read users' email or private files without cause. Valid causes include:
    • we have the express written consent of the user
    • we deem it necessary for the administration of our system(s)
    • we deem it necessary in order to provide tech support
    • we have reason to suspect that the affected user is violating our policies or the law
    • our actions are pursuant to a legal proceeding

  • Only minimal records will be kept of logins and other usage data. Approximately one month of such records will be kept at any one time. These records are necessary to ensure that illegal activities (such as attempting to bypass security measures on our systems or those of others) can be traced to the perpetrator's account.

Terms of Use

The use of PrivateDomainData's services is subject to the following:

  • You, the user, agree that PrivateDomainData is not responsible for any damages, lost information, service interruptions, or other problems of any kind associated with our services or their use. Our services are provided on a "best-effort" basis, and any reparations for problems are at the sole discretion of PrivateDomainData, and are limited to a refund of service fees.

  • You, the user, are required to abide by all PrivateDomainData policies. Failure to do so may, at our discretion, result in termination of service without refund. Moreover, we reserve the right to pursue any other reparations we deem necessary, including civil and/or criminal prosecution, should the need arise.

  • You, the user, are responsible for all actions taken under the guise of your account(s), unless we have reason to believe that your account has been compromised by means beyond your control.

  • You, the user, must pay in advance for all PrivateDomainData services, unless otherwise arranged. In the case of services which cannot be billed in advance, such as excess data transfers, and in the case of ongoing charges, you are responsible for payment in a timely manner. Failure to pay in a timely manner may, at our discretion, result in termination of service without refund, and refusal of future business. Note that we cannot be responsible for lost, damaged, or misdirected mail.

  • PrivateDomainData reserves the right to require users who habitually exceed their disk space and/or file quotas to purchase additional space, or have their accounts terminated.

  • Domain name registration customers are additionally subject to the policies described on the services page, and the following:

    • PrivateDomainData will be listed in the WHOIS database as the owner of record for domains which we register anonymously. However, we explicitly state that we are only registering these domains on behalf of our customers, and we will relinquish control of these domains upon request by the relevant customer.

  • PrivateDomainData's policies may change from time to time. Although we will most likely inform all users by email should this occur, you, the user, are required to familiarize yourself with and follow all PrivateDomainData policies regardless of changes, and regardless of notice or lack thereof. We recommend that you revisit this page from time to time to check for changes.

Acceptable Usage Policy

You, the user, MAY NOT:

  • Bypass, or attempt to bypass, any security measures on our systems, or anyone else's ("cracking")

  • Access, or attempt to access, services you haven't paid for ("theft of services")

  • Cause, or attempt to cause, the unavailability of any service or resource on our systems or anyone else's ("denial of service") - whether intentional or through negligence (exercise common sense!); this includes, but is not limited to, disk space, processing power, network bandwidth, etc.

  • Obtain, or attempt to obtain, any information about other users of the system, their usage of the system, their files, etc., without the express consent of the user(s) involved

  • Harrass or annoy other users of our systems or anyone else's; this especially includes any form of contact (such as email) after the involved party has asked you to stop contacting them (note that the definition of harrassment is fluid, and depends mainly on whether the other party feels your actions to be harrassing; we will be the final judges of whether any particular action violates this policy)

  • Use PrivateDomainData's services, directly or indirectly, to send mass unsolicited mailings ("spam") by any medium; this includes, but is not limited to, email, real-time messaging, and Usenet news, and applies to both commercial and non-commercial messages

  • Advertise any web site hosted with PrivateDomainData by means of spam, even if the spam is not sent by means of our servers ("spamvertising")

  • Post a single message to an excessive number of Usenet newsgroups individually (i.e. as opposed to crossposting)

  • Crosspost a message to an excessive number of Usenet newsgroups

  • Flood a Usenet newsgroup in a manner inconsistent with netiquette and/or the group's charter (see below)

  • Violate the charter of a Usenet newsgroup; note that most newsgroups do not allow commercial postings

  • Allow anyone else to use your account(s) for any purpose without our explicit consent

  • Share your password(s) with anyone, or allow them to discover it/them through negligence

  • Use PrivateDomainData's services to perform any action that is illegal; this includes, but is not necessarily limited to, actions that are illegal in the United States, and/or your country, state, or locality.

All of these restrictions include both direct and indirect use of PrivateDomainData's services, whether this is explicitly stated or not. Further, in all cases we will be the final judges of whether our policies have been violated and what actions will be taken.

In the case of the Usenet restrictions, we do not have a set number of groups or postings that constitutes a violation. However, as a guideline only, we suggest that articles not be multiply-posted to more than two groups, or crossposted to more than five. Even these numbers are high for virtually all circumstances; think carefully before posting an article to more than one group, and make sure that the inclusion of each group is justified. If you are unsure, feel free to ask us on our Web Form. Note that postings below these numbers are not necessarily within the bounds of acceptability; decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, and the larger the number of groups involved, the more likely we are to act. Again, if you are unsure, ask before you post the message.

Copyright Policy

All graphics and text on this website are copyright PrivateDomainData unless otherwise noted. No portion of this material may be reproduced or distributed in any form or medium without express permission. Permission is granted to use PrivateDomainData logos for the specific purpose of linking to our site.

All copyrights and trademarks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. In particular, OpenBSD is a copyright of Theo de Raadt, and Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.

General Policy Note

Should any part of any of these policies be invalidated for any reason, the remainder of the policies shall continue in force.